Happy Valentine’s Day from Leukemia Texas! We hope you know how much we love and appreciate everyone in our community. We couldn’t do what we do without YOU!

You can show LTX some love with your time and/or donation that supports our patients and programs. We have several ways for you to get involved and show your love for LTX.
Adopt a Buddy Bear or Send a Travel Buddy Suitcase: LEARN MORE | DONATE NOW

Send Buddy Notes: LEARN MORE | EMAIL US: info@leukemiatexas.org

Create Buddy Packs: LEARN MORE | EMAIL US: info@leukemiatexas.org

Attend the 3rd Annual Strike Out Pediatric Leukemia Baseball Game: LEARN MORE | DONATE NOW

Attend the 20th Annual BeatLeukemia Ball: LEARN MORE | DONATE NOW

Make a General Donation to LTX: LEARN MORE | DONATE NOW

Thank you for supporting LTX and showing us some love this Valentine’s Day!