
North Texas Giving Day

September is Leukemia Awareness Month, as well as Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month, and earlier this month we recognized September 4th as World Leukemia Day. 

Another highlight of the month is North Texas Giving Day, which is tomorrow – Thursday, September 21st. North Texas Giving Day is an online giving event designed to empower every person to give back to their community by supporting local nonprofits and causes they care about in one easy-to-use platform. 

Since its inception in 2009, this online event has transformed from an idea to help local people give wisely, to a movement that has ignited a broad culture of community-wide giving. During NTX Giving Day, everyone can find their passion and give with purpose, uniting to build a stronger and more vibrant community.

As the largest community-wide giving event in the nation, NTX Giving Day is a great opportunity to support Leukemia Texas. At LTX, we strive to not only bring awareness to leukemia (blood cancer), but more importantly provide financial aid to those patients in need. 

Our fundraising goal this year is $7,500. You can donate any amount, knowing your support will make a huge impact in the lives of our fellow Texans with leukemia. A gift of $25 provides a Buddy Bear for a patient, a $250 donation provides a Travel Buddy suitcase to a patient, and $1,000 provides a Patient Aid Grant to help patients offset their travel, medical and living expenses.

Please click on the link below or visit to support LTX with your donation. Thank you for helping us reach our goal of giving!